Salvador is a personal project created by Jack Adamson during his travels to El Salvador, in partnership with Glasswing International. This series of images is a selection from a wider body of work that has been published in a catalogue, which has been sent to the Graphis offices as a physical accompaniment to this submission. The photographic account and accompanying story tell of his personal experiences and interactions with everyday people during his stay.
More than one million lives have been impacted by Glasswing’s work over the past 12 years. They have four main programmatic themes; education, health, employability and public spaces – all focused on keeping kids away from violence; making communities safe; and improving the lives of people across Central America.
Glasswing accepts donations directly through their website. For more information visit www.
All net profits made from the catalogue and print purchases will go directly to Glasswing International. Additionally, the project is being showcased in an exhibition at The Coffee Dispensary, Cheltenham (UK) from 20th July – 20th September 2019.